for flute, oboe, clarinet, horn, bassoon, violin, viola, cello, double-bass and piano
Commissioned by ensemble ClubM
Premiered on 8th August 2023 at Seoul Doam Hall
The series of works for Ensemble ClubM is titled "Meditations" because the process of creating these pieces feels akin to meditation, exploring and expressing the different nuances of a single harmony from various perspectives. Starting from the same harmonic foundation, each piece reveals a different brightness depending on the angle from which it is viewed. These variations also evoke relative shades of light and dark, depending on their relationships with one another.
The first meditation was inspired by the sea, its waves, and ripples. The second meditation imagined a cosmic journey from the moon back to Earth. The third meditation, in turn, captures the essence of a garden. Gardens are home to a mix of familiar and unfamiliar plants. Some bear flowers, while others do not. Their scents vary, and they release their fragrances at different times. There are tiny sprouts that seem uncertain to grow, as well as towering trees that far exceed human height.
Every day, I spend about 40 minutes watering the garden, treating the process with the same care as if I were showering myself. It becomes a time to clear my thoughts and refresh my mood. As I watered the plants day after day, I began to empathize with their growth, and that’s when the idea for the third meditation emerged.
We humans experience the world through five senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. But how do plants perceive and navigate life? Do they also live according to a daily rhythm like we do? What does water feel like to a plant parched by the sun? How does it feel when that water travels through the roots and reaches every cell, hydrating its entire being? How do plants communicate with bees, butterflies, and other insects? What is it like to endure strong winds or cold weather? Recent research suggests that plants have a form of a brain, enabling them to act based on memory and awareness. If so, do they remember and anticipate the person who waters them every day?
With these endless questions swirling in my mind, I imagined various scenarios and how plants might experience the world through their own senses, channeling these thoughts into music. I hope this piece provides a refreshing moment of clarity and renewal for listeners.